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What is French Press Coffee
And how to make one at home.

(Easy Recipe)

Coffee brewed in a French press, noted for its deep, rich taste. Allows for full control over the brewing time and strength.

Updated On: Jun 28, 2024


The Brewing Hub

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French Press Coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee in hot water before pressing it through a metal or nylon filter with a plunger. This method allows for a full-bodied and rich flavor, complete with sediments that add depth to each sip. It's appreciated by coffee aficionados who love to savor the rich tapestry of flavors that only a French press can provide.

Origin Story of French Press Coffee

French Press Coffee is brewed by steeping coffee grounds in hot water, then pressing them away. Known for extracting rich flavors, this method is valued for its simplicity and the deep, full-bodied coffee it produces.

How is French Press Coffee made?

French Press Coffee involves steeping coarse coffee grounds in hot water and then pressing them out with a plunger, resulting in a robust and flavorful brew. The presence of fine sediments in the coffee adds to its rich texture, making it a favorite among those who appreciate the depth of coffee flavors.

Rich History and Origins of French Press Coffee

Named after the device, the French press, used to brew the coffee by steeping coarse grounds in hot water.

The invention of the French press in the mid-19th century brought a new dimension to coffee brewing, allowing for a richer extraction of flavors. Its straightforward yet effective method of steeping coarsely ground beans became widely beloved for capturing the essence of the coffee bean.

Ideal time to Enjoy French Press Coffee

Enjoyable at any time, particularly appreciated by those who love a rich and full-bodied coffee experience.

Aroma Profile

Aromatic and Rich

Flavour Notes

Full-bodied, Slightly Bitter

Roast Level


Preparation Difficulty Level


Best Brewing Equipment

French Press

Serving Glassware

Coffee Mug

Authentic Recipe Of French Press Coffee


Rich and robust, brewed to perfection in just moments.


  1. Grind coffee beans coarsely.
  2. Add grounds to French press.
  3. Pour hot water.
  4. Stir and steep for 4 minutes.
  5. Press plunger slowly.
  6. Serve immediately.

Tips for Perfecting Your French Press Coffee Brewing Technique

  • Use a coarse grind to prevent sediment in the coffee.
  • Let the coffee steep for the full 4 minutes for optimal flavor extraction.
  • Serve with a slice of orange or a twist of lemon for a citrusy aroma.

“Discover the world of coffee with our complete guide to various coffee types.”

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Best Milk for a Creamier French Press Coffee good

Coffee Pairings (Food)

Breakfast Foods, Pastries

Recommended Pairing Drinks


Customisation Options

Adjust brew time, Add milk or cream

Nutritional Profile & Other Information on French Press Coffee

Serving Size

240 - 360


8.12 - 12.17



80 - 120 mg


2 - 5 kcal

Suitable For

Low Fat Diet

Sugar: 0 gm


Net Carbs: 0 gm


Total Fat: 0 gm


Protein: 0 gm

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Egg Coffee

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Espresso Con Panna

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Vanilla Latte

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Explore Milk Types That Go With The Above Coffee

Perfect Milk Pairings for Your Favourite Coffees

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Condensed Milk

Offers a thick, sweetened texture, popular in specialty coffees worldwide.

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Soy Milk

Rich in protein and excellent for creating froth, similar to dairy milk.

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Rice Milk

The most hypoallergenic milk alternative with a naturally sweet taste.

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Vanilla Ice Cream

Transforms coffee into a sweet, creamy dessert with a touch of vanilla.

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Heavy Cream

Delivers a decadent, creamy thickness to coffee, used sparingly.

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Whole Milk

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Cashew Milk

Features a creamy texture with a sweet, subtle nutty taste.

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Grass-Fed Butter

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