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Grass-Fed Butter

(Easy Recipe)

Adds a rich, buttery flavor and is used in energy-boosting Bulletproof coffee.

Updated On: May 08, 2024


The Brewing Hub

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Grass-fed butter is known for its higher omega-3 and vitamin K2 content. When blended into coffee, usually known as Bulletproof coffee, it provides sustained energy and a rich, creamy texture. This type of butter is prized for its quality and health benefits, making it a unique addition for those looking to boost their morning routine.

What Coffees can be made using Grass-Fed Butter

Image for coffee types section - Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee

Energizing coffee blended with butter and coconut oil for added richness. Favored for its high-energy qualities and unique mouthfeel.

Rich History of Grass-Fed Butter

Grass-fed butter, emphasizing cows fed on natural grass rather than grain, has ancient roots but has seen renewed interest in the 21st century for its perceived health benefits and flavor.

Authentic Recipe Of Grass-Fed Butter



  1. Agitate grass-fed cream in a churn or food processor until it separates into butter and buttermilk.
  2. Rinse the butter with cold water; add salt if desired.

Bonus Tip For Making Grass-Fed Butter

Chilling the cream before churning helps facilitate the separation of butter and buttermilk.

Nutritional Profile & Other Information on Grass-Fed Butter


102 per tbsp (14g) kcal

Suitable For

Vegetarian, paleo (if unsalted)

Other Milk Types For Your Favourite Coffees

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Heavy Cream

Delivers a decadent, creamy thickness to coffee, used sparingly.

Image for coffee types section - Whole Milk

Whole Milk

Provides a creamy and rich texture ideal for a luxurious coffee experience.

Image for coffee types section - Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream

Provides a light, airy topping that enhances the visual appeal and texture of coffee.

Image for coffee types section - Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream

Transforms coffee into a sweet, creamy dessert with a touch of vanilla.

Image for coffee types section - Condensed Milk

Condensed Milk

Offers a thick, sweetened texture, popular in specialty coffees worldwide.

Image for coffee types section - Almond Milk

Almond Milk

Offers a light, nutty flavor and is a popular dairy-free, low-calorie option.

Image for coffee types section - Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

Adds a rich, tropical flavor to coffee with its creamy consistency.

Image for coffee types section - Rice Milk

Rice Milk

The most hypoallergenic milk alternative with a naturally sweet taste.

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Explore Our Curated Coffee Types

Perfect coffee types to go with the above milk types

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Irish Coffee

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Cafe Bombon

Sweet and strong espresso mixed with condensed milk. A delightful treat popular in Spain for its rich and creamy texture.

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Kopi Susu

Indonesian coffee sweetened with creamy condensed milk. Known for its rich sweetness and smooth texture.

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Egg Coffee

A unique Vietnamese coffee made creamy with egg yolk and condensed milk. Notable for its rich, custard-like texture.

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Turkish Coffee

Bold coffee brewed with finely ground beans and sugar for a traditional zest. Known for its unique preparation in a cezve or ibrik.

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Cafe au Lait

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