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Explore Milk Types and Homemade Recipes

Uncover the perfect blend for your next coffee! Discover milk varieties and their accompanying homemade recipes.

Image for coffee types section - Whole Milk

Whole Milk

Provides a creamy and rich texture ideal for a luxurious coffee experience.

Image for coffee types section - Almond Milk

Almond Milk

Offers a light, nutty flavor and is a popular dairy-free, low-calorie option.

Image for coffee types section - Cashew Milk

Cashew Milk

Features a creamy texture with a sweet, subtle nutty taste.

Image for coffee types section - Rice Milk

Rice Milk

The most hypoallergenic milk alternative with a naturally sweet taste.

Image for coffee types section - Soy Milk

Soy Milk

Rich in protein and excellent for creating froth, similar to dairy milk.

Image for coffee types section - Oat Milk

Oat Milk

Known for its exceptional frothing capabilities, making it perfect for lattes.

Image for coffee types section - Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

Adds a rich, tropical flavor to coffee with its creamy consistency.

Image for coffee types section - Heavy Cream

Heavy Cream

Delivers a decadent, creamy thickness to coffee, used sparingly.

Image for coffee types section - Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream

Transforms coffee into a sweet, creamy dessert with a touch of vanilla.

Image for coffee types section - Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream

Provides a light, airy topping that enhances the visual appeal and texture of coffee.

Image for coffee types section - Condensed Milk

Condensed Milk

Offers a thick, sweetened texture, popular in specialty coffees worldwide.

Image for coffee types section - Half-and-Half


Strikes a balance between milk and cream, offering a lighter option that's richer than milk.

Image for coffee types section - Grass-Fed Butter

Grass-Fed Butter

Adds a rich, buttery flavor and is used in energy-boosting Bulletproof coffee.