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What is Cold Brew
And how to make one at home.

(Easy Recipe)

Coffee steeped cold for a long time, offering a smoother taste. Known for its low acidity and refreshing qualities.

Updated On: Jun 28, 2024


The Brewing Hub

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Cold Brew coffee, known for its smooth and mellow profile, is crafted by steeping coarsely ground beans in cold water for up to 24 hours. This process reduces the acidity, resulting in a highly caffeinated, yet smooth concentrate that can be enjoyed over ice or customized with syrups and milk. It's particularly popular during hot weather, offering a cool, refreshing caffeine kick.

Origin Story of Cold Brew

Cold Brew involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for several hours, resulting in a smoother, less acidic brew. Gaining popularity for its refreshing quality, this method highlights the subtle flavors of the coffee beans.

How is Cold Brew made?

Cold Brew is crafted by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, producing a coffee concentrate that is smooth, less acidic, and versatile. It can be enjoyed over ice and customized according to personal taste with syrups or milk, making it a popular choice for refreshing summer drinks.

Rich History and Origins of Cold Brew

Descriptive of the cold brewing process, where coffee is steeped in cold water over an extended period.

Cold Brew, with its roots in Japanese and Vietnamese coffee cultures, gained global popularity in the early 21st century. The method involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for several hours, resulting in a smooth, less acidic concentrate that has become a summer favorite.

Ideal time to Enjoy Cold Brew

Ideal for warm days, serving as a refreshing and energizing coffee option that’s smooth and versatile.

Aroma Profile

Smooth and Mild

Flavour Notes

Smooth, Less Bitter

Roast Level


Preparation Difficulty Level


Best Brewing Equipment

Cold Brew Maker

Serving Glassware

Tall Glass

Authentic Recipe Of Cold Brew

TIME TO PREPARE : 12-24 min

Patience pays off with a smooth and refreshing cold brew.


  1. Use coarsely ground coffee.
  2. Combine with cold water.
  3. Refrigerate for 12-24 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Serve over ice

Tips for Perfecting Your Cold Brew Brewing Technique

  • Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios to find your preferred strength.
  • Add a splash of flavored syrup, such as vanilla or caramel, for a hint of sweetness.
  • Garnish with a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint for a refreshing twist.

“Discover the world of coffee with our complete guide to various coffee types.”

Explore More Coffee Types

Best Milk for a Creamier Cold Brew good

Coffee Pairings (Food)

Light Snacks, Fruit

Recommended Pairing Drinks


Popular Variations

Iced Cold Brew, Nitro Cold Brew

Customisation Options

Adjust brewing time, Add milk or cream

Nutritional Profile & Other Information on Cold Brew

Serving Size

240 - 360


8.12 - 12.17



150 - 200 mg


2 - 5 kcal

Suitable For

Low Fat Diet

Sugar: 0 gm


Net Carbs: 0 gm


Total Fat: 0 gm


Protein: 0 gm

Exploring the World of Brews: Discover Different Coffee Types

Coffee comes in various forms, each with its own unique flavour and personality. Choose your favourites, or try them all.

Image for coffee types section - Espresso


Intensely strong and concentrated shot of coffee. Known for its quick brewing method and robust flavor.

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Cafe Breve

A rich concoction of espresso and creamy half-and-half. Known for its velvety texture and a richer taste than regular milk-based coffees.

Image for coffee types section - Affogato


A scoop of vanilla ice cream drowning in a shot of hot espresso. Combines dessert with a caffeine kick in a unique Italian tradition.

Image for coffee types section - Macchiato


Sharp espresso mellowed with a splash of frothy milk. The perfect balance between strong coffee and creamy texture.

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An elongated espresso shot, lighter and more diluted. Provides a longer, smoother sip than a standard espresso.

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A smooth blend of espresso, steamed milk, and airy foam. Characterized by its layered structure and frothy top.

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Flat White

Rich espresso blended with velvety steamed milk. Known for its high concentration of coffee to milk.

Image for coffee types section - Decaf Coffee

Decaf Coffee

The full flavor of coffee, with the majority of caffeine removed. Ideal for those who love coffee but need to avoid caffeine.

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Explore Milk Types That Go With The Above Coffee

Perfect Milk Pairings for Your Favourite Coffees

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Rice Milk

The most hypoallergenic milk alternative with a naturally sweet taste.

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Cashew Milk

Features a creamy texture with a sweet, subtle nutty taste.

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Condensed Milk

Offers a thick, sweetened texture, popular in specialty coffees worldwide.

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Coconut Milk

Adds a rich, tropical flavor to coffee with its creamy consistency.

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Grass-Fed Butter

Adds a rich, buttery flavor and is used in energy-boosting Bulletproof coffee.

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Whole Milk

Provides a creamy and rich texture ideal for a luxurious coffee experience.

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Heavy Cream

Delivers a decadent, creamy thickness to coffee, used sparingly.

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Vanilla Ice Cream

Transforms coffee into a sweet, creamy dessert with a touch of vanilla.

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